Photo: Agnete Brun
Light is life in the painting.
The room is where life exists.
We build our rooms and light gives them life.
Born in New York City Dec. 11, 1951.
Lives and works on Nesøya, near Oslo.
Known for her paintings of interiors, light and space.
Boston University College of Fine Arts, Boston 1970-74
Statens Kunstakademi, Oslo 1974-79.
Up coming duo exhibition in 2026
Vestfossen Kunstlabratorium May- August
Past solo exhibitions
2024 - Galleri Haaken, Oslo
2021 - Norsk Folkemuseum, Oslo: Historien om 12 malerier
2021 - Nordic Art Center, Duluth, Minnesota: The Story of 12 Paintings
2020-21 - Norsk Folkemuseum, Oslo: Installasjon «Bloodlines»
2017 - Galleri Haaken, Oslo
2015 - ART+HOUSE, Nesøya
2014 - Chess Olympiad, Tromsø Kunstforening: Chess Performance
2012 - Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Indiana
2012 - Harmon-Meek Gallery, Naples, Florida
2011 - The Norwegian International Film Festival, Haugesund
2009 - Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum
2008 - Baroniet Rosendal, Rosendal
2008 - Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø
2006 - Konsthallen Millesgården, Lidingö, Stockholm
2006 - Galleri Bouhlou, Bergen
2005 - Rogaland Kunstmuseum, Stavanger. Hamlet's Kronborg
2005 - Blaafarveverket: Ida Lorentzen og Vilhelm Hammershøi
2004 - Asker Kunstforening, Asker
2002 - Ida Lorentzen Museum, Blaafarveværket
2001 - Nyfossum, Blaafarveværket, Modum
2001 - Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Høvikodden
1999 - Babcock Galleries, New York
1998 - Bomuldsfabrikken, Arendal
1998 - Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
1995 - Babcock Galleries, New York
1995 - Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle
1995 - Babcock Galleries, New York
1994 - Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
1991 - Galleri Andersson Sandstrøm, Umeå
1990 - Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
1987 - Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York
1987 - Galleri Wang, Oslo
1984 - Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York
1984 - Galerie Wentzel, Köln
1984 - Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo
1982 - Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York
1980 - Galleri Haaken, Oslo
Collections – selected list
Arkansas Art Center, Little Rock, Arkansas
Asker kommune, Asker
Astrup Fearnley Museum, Oslo
Blaafarveværket, Modum
Chase Manhattan Bank, New York
Det Kongelige Slott, Oslo
Det Norske Teateret, Oslo
Gjensidige Forsikring, Oslo
Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum
Haugesund Billedgalleri, Haugesund
H.M.Queen Sonja Art Collection, Oslo
Fort Wayne Museum of Art, Indiana
Chemical Bank, New York
Det Kongelige Slott, Oslo
Det Norske Teateret, Oslo
Gjensidige Forsikring, Oslo
Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseum
Haugesund Billedgalleri, Haugesund
H.M.Queen Sonja Art Collection, Oslo
Kistefos Museum
Luther College, Iowa
Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, Oslo
National Academy of The Arts, Oslo
Nationaltheatret, Oslo
Norges Bank, Oslo
Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum, Tromsø
Norrköping kommune, Norrköping
Norsk Folkemuseum, Oslo
Norsk Kulturråd, Oslo
Oslo kommunes kunstsamlinger
Oseana Kunst og Kultursenter
Palmer Museum, Penn State University, Pennsylvania
Rikshospitalet, Oslo
Rita Rich Collection, New York
Royal Norwegian Consulate General , New York
Statoil ASA, Stavanger
Storebrand, Oslo
University of Agdar, Kristiansand
University of Tromsø, Tromsø
Research papers – selected list
Ida Lorentzen, Fra det ytre til det indre rom, written by Marina Gerner-Mathisen, spring 1999, Master Dissertation, University of Oslo
Ida Lorentzen, En reise gjennom tid og rom, written by Elen Lauvhjell, autumn 2004, Master Dissertation, University of Bergen
Flertydige rom. Møter med tre malerier av Ida Lorentzen, written by Stine Lundblad, spring 2008, Master Dissertation, University of Tromsø
Books and catalogues – selected list
Ida Lorentzen The Story of Seven Paintings, written by Donald Kuspit, Artist statement included, Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S 1995
Ida Lorentzen Views of a Room, written by Gaven Janties and Selene Wendt, interview with the artist included, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter 2001
Ida Lorentzen Huset – Rommene – Fortellingen, written by Gunnar Danbolt, artist statement included, Blaafarveværket 2002
Ida Lorentzen Hamlet’s Kronborg, written by Ellen Sæthre, artist statement included, Rogaland Kunstmuseum 2005
Ida Lorentzen and Vilhelm Hammershoi, written by Bente Scevenius, Artist statement included, Blaafarveværket 2005
Ida Lorentzen White Light, introduction by Isabella Nilsson, Konsthallen Milesgården 2006
Ida Lorentzen A Room of Her Own, written by Knut Ljøgodt, Nordnorsk Kunstmuseum 2008
Ida Lorentzen Hidden Secrets, written by Tone Lyngstad Nyaas, Artist statement included, Haugar Vestfold Kunstmuseums 2009
Awards and prizes – selected list
2023-25 - BKH (3 year national grant)
2008 - Asker Kulturpris for 30 years of cultural service
1995 - American Academy Purchase Prize
1991 - Purchase Prize for “The Ceromony of Consecration” of H.M.King Harald and H.M.Queen Sonja
1977 - Edvard Munch Legat for young emerging Norwegian artist